
succumbing to peer pressure

Monday, May 23, 2005

I suspected this was happening when Carrie visited me last summer, but this post clenches it - Carrie has become an optimist!

I think the answer is not to read Orwell alone, lest we fallaciously take for granted that this is How The World Works. In times of strife, why don't we secular humanists do a secular version of what the Christians do? Let's pick up a book that isn't hopeless -- Tom Jones or Tristram Shandy -- and realize that people aren't inherently bad; they just make mistakes because they can't see what's coming.

When was the last time you read a (good) novel whose causality was dependent upon the fact that people will seek the good of others, and that a desire for freedom isn't futile?

Perhaps this is a weird or inappropriate comment to make about a friend in a semi-public forum, but I know that a contributing factor to my distaste for Cleveland was, in addition to my own unhappiness, watching Carrie become more and more unhappy. And despite the fact that life in NYC appears to be "harder" (more expensive, crappy roommates, etc. etc.) it has been a joy to witness her transformation (back?) into happy, cheerful, believer in the potential for good in others.

Also, for those who don't read her blog regularly, or follow the above link, don't miss the website for Students for an Orwellian Society. Very enjoyable. Need to order some t-shirts.


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