No, he's not mine (thank goodness! though he is just about the best behaved little kid I've ever seen). Just seemed like the appropriate heading for this statement: two of my friends are pregnant! In both cases, it's a good thing (stable married folk, intended, etc.). I weathered the friends-getting-married stage pretty well, but always assumed the friends-having-kids stage would freak me out. So far, not so much. Though this particular set of couples makes it easier on me - I've only ever known the four of them as marrieds. I think were any of my friends whom I've known from singledom to married to start procreating, I may start feeling a bit old. Maybe this will be a nice way to ease into the idea. I do feel badly for one of my friends though - though the pregnancy itself is a happy occasion, she's been having a pretty rough first trimester, and has been so sick she hasn't even been able to muster up much excitement! Poor thing! It doesn't help that her sister is pregnant right along with her and is so far breezing her way through the experience. Ah, sibling rivalry. The other couple includes my friend Brian, from Case, who's all adorable and excited about dad-hood.
(the pic above is from my Sunday spent as kickball fan. for more action shots, go here)
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