
succumbing to peer pressure

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

"Modern Physics

Calpundit and Atrios both highlight the following paragraph describing a Bush fund raiser in New Jersey:

'Not breaking any ground, Bush highlighted the accomplishments of his administration, saying he had eliminated the terror threat from Afghanistan and weapons of mass destruction from Iraq and ensured that Medicare will remain solvent.'

They both seem to be of the opinion that the claim that Bush eliminated WMD's from Iraq is laughable.

Yet they fail to grasp the president's deep understanding of modern physics. In fact, prior to the invasion, the weapons both existed and didn't exist simultaneously, not unlike Schrodinger's Cat. The invasion and subsequent search brought in observers and collapsed the wave function to one of non-existence. Thus the President was speaking nothing but the truth.

This kind of misunderestimating one's opponents has really got to stop!"

AHAHAHAHA! It's so nice to see "collapsed the wave function" as the punchline to a joke. I may not miss Cleveland, but there are times that I miss Case.

ps - quote from The Raitt Stuff.


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