
succumbing to peer pressure

Friday, March 19, 2004

So good right now

Just got home from playing soccer on one of the most beautiful Friday afternoons in recent memory. (sorry to all you kids under snow - GA currently has some beauty to spare, so if I could send it your way, I would) Am tired and sore in a most satisfactory way. Since I'm apparently regressing back to my undergraduate days as a raging alcoholic (out drinking Tues-Thur this week) I passed on a night of dancing with the chem kids and instead will (hopefully) be getting a little more work done and watching lame-ass girly movies. Of course, this is merely so I can justify spending tomorrow afternoon bar-hopping and watching march madness with Ryan and her friends. Anyway. My weird early Thursday morning post was a result of getting my feelings hurt on St. Pat's day, but then the day ended up pretty well, so I was kind of still carrying around this upsetness but was also kind of happy and a little confused and tired and ... whatever. It's really unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Suffice it to say that two of my friends still owe me an apology (imho) and Travers totally came through as the nice guy that he is.

The other fun factoids that I learned about reproductive health in third world countries are:

- hundreds of thousands of women give birth every year in third world countries with packets from UNFPA consisting only of a clean plastic sheet, a bar of soap, a sterile razor blade, and string. Nothing else. Conditions are so dire that this tiny little improvement in the sanitation of childbirth has significantly improved women's health. They still don't have doctors or midwives to help with labor, and god help them if the child is breech or the delivery is otherwise difficult in some way.
-America's $34 million is 12.5% of UNFPA's budget
-Europe has added several million more to the UNFPA fund in an attempt to make up for America short changing them
-No other country has *ever* defunded UNFPA for any reason other than fiscal.

Thanks George W. Bush. Way to set an example. I suppose that's what he meant by "compassionate conservative"?


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