
succumbing to peer pressure

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dear anti-choice activists and advocates,

You and I disagree about many things. We disagree about when life begins. We disagree about what decisions should be between a woman and her doctor, and how much privacy should exist regarding those conversations. But surely, surely, we can agree that what happened to this woman was never an intention of your misguided legal maneuverings. Martha Mendoza was a happy, healthy 37-year-old mother of three when the child in her fourth pregnancy died at the 19th week. A dilation and evacuation was the safest option for removing the dead fetus from her womb, but 74% of all medical schools do not train doctors in all possible abortion procedures, and President Bush's signing of the 'partial birth abortion ban' in 2003 leaves very few doctors able and willing to perform the procedure. One of those unable to do a D&E was Ms. Mendoza's regular Ob/gyn. So she made an appointment to see a specialist. Who couldn't fit her in for a week. Within a day, Ms. Mendoza started to bleed. Her body was beginning to spontaneously abort the pregnancy, the least safe of her possible options. She called her doctor, who told her to wait. She called other specialists. All told her to wait. A few days later, still bleeding, she went to the emergency room at a teaching hospital where they still performed D&Es. They told her they couldn't help her that day or the next, but to check into a nearby hotel, as driving from home may take too long if her condition worsened.

Eventually, Ms. Mendoza did get her D&E and is currently in good health. But I need to believe that you agree with me that this woman suffered, physically and emotionally, needlessly. I need to believe that you did not support legislation that resulted in her suffering out of neglect for women and their health. I need to believe that you don't actually believe that women view abortion as a flip decision, as some form of birth control. Because I need to believe that someday it may be possible for you and I to meet on common ground, to have a productive dialogue, to work toward making sure that women and children (and men) are healthy and respected and loved.

Sadly and regretfully yours,


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