JK Living
(I was going to link to Matthew McConaughey's website, but holy crap, is that thing an annoying mess)
My Dad has always described me as living a nomadic lifestyle, which I guess is a generally accurate description of the student lifestyle in general, but realistically, is just not an accurate description of me. I guess you could say when it comes to cities I'm more of a serial monogamist. I spent 17 years in WV, 5 in Cleveland, and now I'm working on 6 in Atlanta. And, as a student, I have had many a friend come and go, geographically speaking. Between friends and family I know people in DC, Boston, NY, FL, CA, Seattle, TX, London, Germany, and Australia. I have always been raised to consider people moving away as simply having an excuse to visit interesting new locales. And I've been caught up in my own drama - working on the dissertation, starting a new job, moving, etc. I haven't really paused to consider that I am leaving a home (perhaps more importantly, a home of my own creation). Something about tonight's party-hopping hit that trigger, made me realize that a mere 5 months from now I won't be living here. This will be a place about which I tell stories. A place that is a notch in my historical belt. I felt this compulsion to grab on to everything. To lie down on the ground and soak it all up. I flashed back to moving out of our place in Cleveland, to the empty rooms left by AWB and PC. I wondered what it will be like to wander this apartment when the rooms are empty and I'm checking for anything left behind. I guess I'm glad for the opportunity to ponder moving away for five months...
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