
succumbing to peer pressure

Saturday, March 08, 2003

You know that time, right about 10:30 on a Saturday night, when you've been staring at your computer screen for a little too long, and you just totally freaked yourself out by looking at the wrong graph and thinking that all the simulations you've spent the last 3 days running are completely wrong and will have to be done over again, and you've spent the last 3 minutes repeating "Oh Fuck" over and over again, then noticed the mistake in graphs, then kissed the computer screen you were so overjoyed not to have to re-run all the simulations, and you really just want to sit down, have a few beers, watch some tv, and go to bed, but instead you have to keep writing this paper because it's supposed to be around 30-50 pages long and you're working on page 4? Yeah...


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