
succumbing to peer pressure

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

So I woke up this morning to the cat landing on my chest, and immediately thought, "I'm not tired enough for it to be as early as it should be...shit!" I overslept by about 2 hours and missed yoga. Ah well. I guess I needed the sleep, though I'm not convinced that I needed it more than yoga. But, at least for the moment, it looks like I could afford the late start. Studying for my categorical final tomorrow is nearly complete and I already have about a third of my survival homework typed there's hope. Arrived on campus a little before noon to discover my department being extraordinarily weird and adorable. Today is our holiday luncheon/party. I'm still so full from the buffet 3 hours ago that I might have to roll back to my apartment. One thing I gotta say for this place, they know how to keep poor grad students from starving. The leftovers in the kitchen will probably provide lunch for all of us for the rest of the week. After food it was time for White Elephant, which is apparently the game Carrie wrote her Dirty Santa story about. Except this version and crowd of people were very good natured about the whole thing. I think my favorite moment was when my computing professor George opened a box and pulled out a long red feather boa! A close second is when Bob, after selecting numerous more appealing gifts and having them stolen, ended up with an English-to-Swedish dictionary (which Lance graciously traded his 4 year old calendar for, claiming, "I'm going to Sweden!" to which Paul said "Oh yeah, to pick up that Nobel Prize?"). Now they're all wandering the halls playing Mobius Strip mini-golf. Students and faculty created the holes; I think Lydia's "Piled higher and Deeper" hole is my favorite. Anyway, enough procrastination, back to work...


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