
succumbing to peer pressure

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So I've finally taken the plunge. I kept saying that one day I would read all the Harry Potter books, and that process finally began late yesterday afternoon. Mostly the timing was just right - I'm currently in between books - and was finally nudged over the edge by a friend who's hosting a HP movie marathon this weekend. I figure I can plow through the first two or three this week and then thoroughly enjoy the movies. Alas, I'll have to miss a chunk of the marathon anyway, to attend kickball playoffs! (huzzah!)

It's not that I was ever anti-HP or anything, I just always seemed to have other things to read. But at least now I can enjoy sliding from one directly into the next, no delayed gratification necessary. Plus, maybe, just maybe, I'll wrap up the last one before anyone spoils the ending.

Serving Sizes

So I'm about to go heat and enjoy Annie Chun's Teriyaki Noodle Bowl (thank you Trader Joe's!). But here's the thing. I'm reading the heating instructions on the back, and my eyes slide over to the nutritional information, where the entire bowl is listed as two servings! I know this sort of thing happens all the time, but it kills me! Why make something that is so clearly intended to be a one-time meal include two servings! Either actually make it smaller, or don't make me feel guilty about slurping down the entire contents. Meh. These are the things I ponder while putting off writing a SAS macro. Don't even ask.


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