
succumbing to peer pressure

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Right. So blog-as-procrastination-tool must end. But I've just been tired and worthless all week. (all week? it's only tuesday?!) And here I sit, supposedly to start writing the report that's due on Friday, but Friday is still 3 long days away, right? Right. So I threw this kicking party last Friday. It was the first real party at my new place and it was a total success, so I'm psyched. I made tons of really tasty chocolate fondue and everyone brought lots of fruit and cake and misc. other yummy goodness for dipping. (oreos dipped in chocolate fondue - SO GOOD) And John brought two of the kids he TAs, and by the end of the night I have this vague memory of signing the underage boy, and attempting to explain to people how this was just a lame version of my last birthday party (yay for textual healing!). But nothing got spilled or ruined or broken or stolen and I woke up the next morning to discover cheerful messages on my dry erase board about how much fun everyone had and felt loved. Plus, as I mentioned drunkily that morning, the boy hung around afterwards, which was lovely. I've forgotten what it's like to begin liking someone, how little details will pop into your head in the middle of class and make you smile. I'm such a dork. I'll probably be back here in a matter of days, eating my words. Ah well.

Besides Chris, Andy and Reese are some of my favorite people these days. Andy because in some karmic way he's just the male version of me (though in reality we have little in common). I wore my old UVA soccer shirt over to his place saturday night and he says, "I love your shirt! Can I have it?" So I obliged and got a two-for-one deal as he swapped me two of his old t-shirts. So now I'm the NC State Athletic Director. Or so my new red shirt says. He loves throwing parties as much as I and is always the host with the most. And a few weeks after meeting me he greeted me at a party with open arms to announce, "How can anyone not like Megan?" Reese was the guest I always hope for at parties, as he sat down next to my bookcase and oohed and ahhed appropriately over my collection and got really excited to finally find someone else who reads. Also, he provided endless amusement at the show last night. "The desert in my mouth has seeped into my brain!" And with that, I shall finally attempt some productivity.


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