
succumbing to peer pressure

Friday, May 13, 2005

Feeling like a million bucks

and trying to decide what to do with myself.

After turning in my LAST final yesterday I went straight to the pool (and decided that last summer's body-image complex was stoopid and this year I'm going every damn day. just as soon as I buy a new suit. or 6. I can't believe I'm still wearing around the one I bought in high school. right.). Once there I promptly fell asleep (luckily not long enough to completely lobster-ize myself. I'll save that one for Bonnaroo), then woke up and attempted to swim a few laps and nearly drowned! Ok, not really, but holy crap am I out of shape! Apparently even the somewhat more regularly jogging I've been doing lately still isn't enough to regulate my breathing in the pool. Weak. Then Travers and I hit up the REI sale, April and Scott stopped by with a little 'yay! your done!' present (to which I reacted somewhat badly for the first time...not the most fun thing ever, but fortunately quickly passed), then Green's for tasty beverages and chilling on the couch. I crashed pretty soon afterward (yeah well, four hours of sleep the night before + alcohol will do that to a gal) and Travers was good enough to deposit me safely back home.

Woke up at 11:30 this morning after a solid 9 hours or so of being dead to the world (seriously, I'd missed several phone calls; usually I return to consciousness just enough to click people over to voicemail, but I didn't even budge) and panicked for just a second as I tried to clear my brain enough to remember what I'm supposed to do today. Then I remembered - Nothing! (ok, technically I'm supposed to start organizing notes for my qual, but let's be serious) So I made some coffee and toasted a bagel and watched tv in bed for a few hours. Fantastic. Now I'm thinking - organize cds? clean out my closet? catch up on some reading? go back to the pool? shopping? God I love those first few days of summer when the afternoons stretch out forever.

And I'm listening to "Blonder Days" and feeling sweetly nostalgic and life is good. May it be the same for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, you mentioned listening to "Blonder Days" and feeling nostalgic. I'm actually going nuts to find the artist who wrote a song called "Blonder Days" and I'm wondering if you might be talking about the same goes "well you thought you were a saint. You were talking like a sage. You were beautiful in your blonder days..." If you know who wrote that song or where I could get a copy, please let me know! My email is
Thanks so much,

4:43 PM  

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