
succumbing to peer pressure

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I heart Sarah Vowell (and Jimmy Carter)

The only possible presidential speech fantasy in my wildest of daydreams, my oratorical castle in the air, is that one day, for just one measly speech, the president - the man of "mission accomplished," the man who was once asked at a press conference to discuss one of his mistakes and couldn't think of any, the man who is surely the sunniest looker-on-the-bright-side east of Drew Barrymore - would sit behind his Oval Office desk, stare into a TV camera and say: "My fellow Americans, good evening. As if that's possible."

He continues, "We are a divided people, but let us celebrate what we have in common. We don't all worship the same god. Some of us do not believe in a god at all. But the good news is that, thanks to me, we all now believe in the Apocalypse. You're welcome."


Those frank words, coming out of a presidential mouth, are shocking. It will be difficult, but think back and try to remember an America dependent on foreign oil, an America with high gasoline prices, an America consumed with crises in the Middle East. And imagine you feel there is nothing you, the average American, can do. Then your president goes on TV and instead of saying you can do something vague like "stay the course," he tells you that there is something small and practical you can do. You can carpool!

These days, there's just something refreshing about reading through Carter's clear-eyed political suicide. Daydreamer though I am, I have never expected a president to solve our chaos. It's just nice to know that once, one of them acknowledged it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of political suicide, hey Megan-- does your brother Brad still live/work in D.C.?


8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting back to me. Kind of a bummer, though... I finally go back to D.C., and I can't even buy the boy a beer. Oh well.


11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting back to me. Kind of a bummer, though... I finally go back to D.C., and I can't even buy the boy a beer. Oh well.


11:51 AM  

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