
succumbing to peer pressure

Monday, April 17, 2006

Books Completed:
A Long Way Down, Nick Hornby - Not as good as some of his other stuff, but not bad either.
The Kid, Dan Savage - Savage continues to pleasantly surprise me with his eloquence and research. I'm tempted to write my first-ever fan letter, but we know it'll never really happen. Brad promises to send me his latest, about gay marriage (Dan is against it, his boyfriend is for it).

Books Started:
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations...One School at a Time, Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin - just past the introduction, but already smitten.

The weekend with the brother was actually better than expected. Except for some brief crabiness on my part last night (due to school stuff) all was generally well. We saw some improv and a Braves game and ate way too much food. Oh, and I heard a new Biblical passage this Easter. As a twice-a-year Catholic I don't really get exposed to much of the Bible (I had good intentions of reading it once upon a time, but I have to be honest these days about the unlikeliness of that ever happening). So I have the Easter and Christmas passages down pretty pat. The former about the disciples and 'the one Jesus loved best' arriving at the tomb and finding the stone moved and the tomb empty. But this year I attended my first Methodist service (convenience - the Methodist church is two blocks from my apt) where they read Mark 16:1-20, about Mary Magdalene, Mary, and Salome arriving at the tomb first, and an unidentified young man telling them to run and tell the disciples that He is risen. Very interesting.


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