
succumbing to peer pressure

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Driving home tonight, from game night with the Canadians et al, I'm listening to Shame on You, and I'm thinking of the Indigo Girls concert that Janette and I went to for free (we got people to sign Amnesty International petitions during the opening act), watching the Agnes Scott girls sway with their arms around each other...and then halfway through the song I'm seeing Amy dancing across Kim's kitchen (perhaps more accurately now, Kim's parents' kitchen; but then, it was Kim's kitchen). It's Christmas, approximately, either our senior year of high school or freshman year of college. And we're feeling all smug, no grown-up supervision, did all the cooking and the washing of dishes, even had wine and toasts to good friends! I remember very clearly thinking a) this must be what it's like to be grown-up and b) we should make this an annual (or semi-annual) thing, getting together for dinner, a little mini-reunion. Well, next year will be my tenth high school reunion, and there are only two girls from that night whom I've seen more than a handful of times since. I guess that's really what it's like to grow up, isn't it?


Blogger amelia said...

yes it is (sigh) -- learning that friendships are kind of situational unless you really put some effort into them. i miss (a lot of) my high school friends!

9:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MEGS! Damnit you cannot make me cry this early in the morning! I will be more then happy to dance across anyone's kitchen for you babe.

5:12 AM  

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