
succumbing to peer pressure

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Day 3

has not been good. Woke up a little before noon, already a little light headed, but took my third dose, ate some breakfast, and went back to sleep (I didn't crash until after 5 am, so more sleep was in order). Woke up again just after two, still a little light headed, and then bam! the worst panic attack of my life. Ordinarily, my panic attacks feel like what is referred to as "air hunger" - you feel like you're breathing, but not enough, like you can't quite suck in a full breath. This was different, this was like I wasn't breathing at all, like I couldn't inhale anything. Thank goodness it didn't last very long, but it was bad. So now I can't decide what to do, and I'm really worried about the possibility of getting on a plane on Tuesday and having another monumental panic attack at 30,000 feet. I've continued to feel a little wonky the rest of the day, but it's hard to tell how much of that is from the drug and how much is residual from the attack this morning and stressing about what the next few days will be like and whether or not to try to tough them out in the hopes that after the side effects settle down I'll actually feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 word megs, klonopin.

10:12 AM  

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