
succumbing to peer pressure

Thursday, November 23, 2006

A Thanksgiving Story

It's just Mom, Dad, and me this year (Brad can't get enough time off work to come home) so we mostly just spent the day lounging and noshing and drinking and watching too much tv. Very nice, very low-key. Well, Dad's on his way to bed when we hear him open the front door and then yelp - There's a bird in the house! Damnit, I let a bird in the house! Again. Mom's trying to remember how he caught it the last time - didn't you use that black net? You see, she has a wreath for every season on our front door, and birds, from time to time, make their nests there. This one wasn't in full nesting mode, just yet, but it was hanging out in the wreath long enough that when the door swung open it got startled into the house. We spent about ten minutes shutting doors and Dad followed it in a pacing pattern back and forth across the kitchen until finally he managed to net it and set it free again in the great outdoors. Yep. Just another night here in WV.


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