
succumbing to peer pressure

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Well, it's been a good weekend so far. Soccer yesterday was great, Andy made dinner (which felt a little like taking my life in my hands, but it turned out ok, and was very nice of him), then drunken revelry at Sanna's lovely new apartment in Buckhead. Crashed on the fouton at the boys' new place (just like old times) and got to see old episodes of My So-Called Life thanks to some random cable channel they get. I would venture to say that the vast majority of women my age are or were in love with Jared Leto thanks to Jordan Catalano. Oh Jordan Catalano...mmmm...even though the drama of MSCL is a little weird now, I have to say I really think that show holds up. It successfully gets that I'm in high school and every tiny thing means the end of the world drama without tipping over the edge like dawson's creek or 90210. up this morning and hit Green Market at Piedmont Park for some fresh greens and a gorgeous loaf of bread, figuring I'll treat myself with a little boursin to go with it once I manage to get to krogers. Finally relented and turned on the AC for the first time today, since it was already about 80 degrees at 10 this morning. There's rumor of a cookout tonight and I think I'm going to be adventurous and actually try to make a marinade and some, actual cooking. Frightening. Right. Should go shopping so I can do the usual studying thing and get to be sociable again tonight. 13 days...


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