
succumbing to peer pressure

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sigh. Finally back in my own bed. Not that I'm complaining. But it's been a whirlwind 48 hours. Early yesterday morning I had breakfast with Dad, in WV. Then I drove 8 hours south, got in to town just in time to empty the car, turn around, and drive to bowling. (played the third game, got a 98, just missing the 100 I needed to raise my average) Then back home to pick up pizza and beer and over to the boy's place for an impromptu viewing of Dune (mmmm...scantily clad Sting). Awake at dawn this morning (the boy has one of those annoying real world jobs), back to my place and a short nap, then grocery shopping and gymnastics with the kiddies and working out and various urgent work e-mails and more pizza and beer for my roommate's birthday. Whew! Since I've just been tossing things into my room since emptying the car yesterday, I should probably do something about the various piles that have accumulated...


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