
succumbing to peer pressure

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Happy Women's Equality Day!*

So I'm back, safe and sound, from a week that passed all too quickly in Austin, TX. Seeing the parents was good, if...unprogressive? Since the whole therapy thing began I feel like every time I see them is a little experiment in trying out the things I'm learning about myself. This visit was fine, but nothing changed, no 'growth', as it were. We stayed with Grandma (maternal grandmother) who's awesome, visited Grandmom (paternal grandmother) who's crazy as always, and hung out with Uncle Gary and his family (my oldest first cousin, senior in high school, is freaking brilliant and continuing in the grand family tradition of math nerdiness). All in all it was a pretty good vacation - typical combination of way too much food, a good amount of sleep, and a dash of shopping (I even bought my first pair of shorts in several years). Kathy was kind enough to pick me up from the airport, which means I had the instant gratification of seeing her as soon as possible (she's been in Africa all summer). We talked public health over pizza and she got a little teary talking about her project. Damn, that's how it's supposed to be! Work should always be that inspirational!

Had the pleasure of meeting heebie_geebie in person, who is lovely and so much like another version of me it borders on creepy. (Chestnut - I'd probably switch teams for her, but I get the feeling she's not available for 'straightening' you out)

I managed to finish my textbook reading (Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Data Analysis Methods) before departure, so I indulged in plenty of pleasure reading while on vacation.

Book completed: Sweet Relief: The Marla Ruzicka Story, by Jennifer Abrahamson. Quite good, if a little rough around the edges (like Marla herself, who reminds me of a combination of a couple of my friends). Picks up quite a bit at the end. Look for a major motion picture next year with Kirsten Dunst as Marla!

Book started: Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle #1), by Neal Stephenson. On loan from Dad; only a few pages in, but so far classic Stephenson.

Book gained: Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her, by Melanie Rehak. On loan from Mom.

Also read this week were plenty of upsetting articles from my latest MoJo, but that's a topic for another, more thoughtful post. For now, quality couch time.

* 86 years ago today the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was passed, guaranteeing women the right to vote.