So I haven't been posting much since I'm at home, and the really lovely thing about being home is doing nothing. Or as close to nothing as possible. I mean, I have very little problem filling the days, and still manage to stay up until 2 am each night, but none of it would be very interesting to anyone. A little work, a little packing, a little laundry, lots of tv and reading and time with the parents. I've begun composing a few posts in my head about the latest Bush thing (he LIED to us! where's the public outrage?!), but frankly none of them are coherent or developed enough to do the topic justice. Plus, I need to do some fact-finding to really nail some stuff down and after making a dozen phone calls researching apartments in Atlanta I just lack the motivation. Yeah yeah, apathy will be the death of democracy.
Speaking of Atlanta, for those who care, Mom and I are driving down there a week from tomorrow to apartment hunt. Then back here for a couple of weeks, then I move down there sometime around the middle of August (depending on leases and whatnot). And, it turns out I have yet another random aquaintance in Atlanta - Vandy Vanderford (anyone who didn't go to high school with me will be certain this is a fake name, I assure you, it is not) is working on his PhD at Emory too. Random.
And with that, it's time for me to go read for a few hours. I've reached that particularly delicious part of a book, just over half-way through, where you just want to stay up all night devouring it...then again, two food images in one sentence...maybe I'm just hungry...