quite literally, in my 62 degree apartment, in my thick green socks, new fleece pants (thanks Mom and Dad!), and gymnastics hoodie. Actually, I'm not complaining. it doesn't feel nearly as cold as our place in Cleveland used to, it's still above freezing outside, and life is good. It feels like the race is about to begin, but I suppose I'm about as ready as I can be. Just make it through the next 17 days or so. Then the semester will be over, whether I've gotten everything done or not.
Spent a lovely Thanksgiving weekend at home. Just Mom and Dad and I, since Brad couldn't get enough time off from work to fly down. Spent wednesday evening with jess and jonah and liz. Dunno why I keep forgetting just how much I like that jonah kid. He's so friggin' awesome, it's unfair to only see him once a year or so. After a few drinks we made the obligatory midnight trip to walmart (so Liz could buy another bridal magazine, a sentence I'm not sure I ever expected to hear her utter). As usual, was far more fun than mere words make it sound. Spent a good 30 minutes wandering aimlessly through the store, finding the most bizzarre clothing and jewelry to hand Jonah, who always obliged by wearing it around the store. Finally located two plain picture frames to match the one I already had, so now the housewarming pics of carrie, mark, and I are finally hung. Also picked up "Someone Like You" for $5. Spent Friday night with Jennings and a bottle of rum and cheesy action movies. Lord, I'd been looking forward to that for weeks and it was no let down. Wish I could spend a week's worth of evenings like that. Ah well, I'll take what I can get. Before movie night we stopped by Liz's place so I could ooh and ah appropriately at her newly purchased wedding gown. It really is beautiful. I'm pretty sure I would go to Liz's wedding anyway, but as added incentive she has promised that I shall get to sleep with a British boy. So the month of May is looking up. :-) I'll need that, going into the first week of June and cumulative exams. *shudder* enough of that...
So now I'm back in Atlanta, blathering on to give myself a little mental break so that hopefully when I try to read over this project that's due in the morning my brain will work again and I'll be able to determine whether or not I'm done and can curl up with a little Hugh Jackman and then perhaps a little Aragorn and then get some sleep.